Untitled II - 365 Stones - Hovering Series
2001, stones and steel, 2’ – 5’h 65’l 15’w
Katzow Sculpture Park, Katzow, Germany
‘Everyone else is rich in money we are rich in stones.’ This expression has been apart of this North German culture for decades. The stones found in this region were rolled round and deposited in the landscape during the time of the Glaciers. The local people have utilized this resource to build their roads and houses for over one hundred years and in doing so cleared the fields for agriculture. To this day agriculture and shipbuilding are the primary industries in this part of the country. This Sculpture Park was at one time marshland. 365 stones have been captured in steel and placed on the landscape to create the suggestion of a ship that seems to float on the grasses half the year. During the winter months rain floods the site allowing the sculpture to appear to be floating. |